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Image by James Wiseman


Select Transactions and Financings


Africa / Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Deutsche Bank/FINCA Microfinance Fund.  Represented FINCA International in connection with a $21 million subordinated debt financing to provide FINCA banks in Democratic Republic of Congo, Mexico, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan with $100 million in loan capital for on-lending to micro borrowers.  This was the first single microfinance network subordinated debt deal and the first microfinance subordinated debt deal successfully completed since 2007.

  • Bayport Management Ltd.  Represented Bayport Management Ltd (BML) in connection with a $250 million OPIC loan to fund BML’s strategic growth aspirations in Africa

  • Rand Merchant Bank Facility. Represented OPIC in connection with a $200 million co-lending facility with Rand Merchant Bank to finance downstream projects in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • LeapFrog Investments.  Advised LeapFrog Investments in connection with various social impact equity investments in Africa

  • MAGIC I & II.  Represented OPIC in the structuring and funding of two region-wide equity investment funds, the Modern Africa Growth and Investment, Corp. funds


  • General Electric.  Represented OPIC in connection with a multi-million-dollar loan to finance a desalination project

Cote d’Ivoire

  • SCI Cocoma.  Represented OPIC in connection with the successful negotiation of the sale of shares as part of the restructuring of an OPIC loan that financed the construction of a hotel in Cote d’Ivoire

Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Cookstove Manufacturing and Distribution. Represented a lender in connection with a loan to a cookstove manufacturing company in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya, secured by carbon credits generated from the project

Republic of Djibouti

  • Salt Mine.  Represented OPIC in connection with the issuance of $60 million of political risk insurance to cover the debt financing of the construction and operation of a salt mine


  • Danakil Basin. Represent the project sponsors in connection with potential debt and equity financing from various international finance institutions to support a project in the Danakil Basin region of Ethiopia


  • Phyto-Riker Pharmaceuticals.  Represented OPIC in connection with the financing of the privatization and expansion of a pharmaceutical distribution plant in Ghana, as well as the successful negotiation of the equity restructuring and sale of the OPIC loan

  • LaGray Pharmaceutical.  Represented OPIC in connection with the financing of the construction and operation of a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility

  • African-American Trading Company.  Represented OPIC in connection with the financing of the construction and operation of a spice dehydration facility

  • Camas Ghana.  Represented OPIC in connection with the financing of the purchase, installation and operation of cocoa-bean sorting equipment as well as the successful negotiation of the restructuring of the OPIC loan

  • Teberebie Goldfields.  Represented OPIC in connection with the successful restructuring and sale of an OPIC loan that financed the construction and expansion of a gold production facility

  • Ghana Home Loans.  Represented OPIC in connection with the capitalization and financing of the Ghana Home Loans bank mortgage company to finance primary and secondary mortgages

  • Financial Services. Represented Global Communities (formerly CHF International) in connection with a joint venture to provide financial services to low- and middle-income individuals



  • Rota International. Represented OPIC in the successful defense of and arbitral award with respect to an expropriation claim made under an OPIC political risk insurance contract for a cashew production facility.


  • WorldBusiness Capital, Inc. Represented WorldBusiness Capital, Inc. in connection with an OPIC-guaranteed loan to Victoria Commercial Bank (VCB) to support its SME lending in Kenya

  • International School of Kenya.  Represented the International School of Kenya in connection with a loan from OPIC to finance the construction and expansion of its school

  • Jopa Villas.  Represented OPIC in connection with the financing of the construction and development of middle-income housing

  • Biofuel.  Advised the developer and equity investor in connection with the structuring and financing of a biofuel project in Kenya and Tanzania


  • LEDFC Reconstruction Facility.  Represented OPIC in connection with a $20 million loan to Liberia Enterprise Development Fund Company for reconstruction efforts


  • Rwanda Start-up. Advise a start-up cookstove manufacturing and distribution company with respect to its equity investments, offering materials and shareholders agreement



  • Green Valley Dairy Farm.  Advised owners and investors in connection with the financing of the expansion and operation of a dairy farm in Somaliland

South Africa

  • SA Taxi. Represent SA Taxi, a provider of minibus taxi financing in South Africa, in connection with a $200 million loan from OPIC and other lenders to expand SA Taxi’s financial services business in South Africa


  • Tanzania Bank. Advise a bank with respect to its agribusiness lending policies and procedures

  • Microfinance Fund.  Represented a microfinance investment company in connection with the restructuring of a fund that supports microfinance loans in Tanzania and Uganda

  • Sheraton.  Represented OPIC in connection with the restructuring of a multi-million-dollar loan to finance the building, equipping, and start-up operations of a major hotel


  • ViVA Uganda. Advised the developer and equity investor in connection with the structuring and financing of an online property title registration system in Uganda

  • OCR Services, Inc.. Advised OCR Services, Inc., a software developer, in connection with its licensing transactions

  • Tugende Limited. Advise Tugende Limited, a leading provider of asset financing in Uganda, in connection with its investor portfolio

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